Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Work in Progress...

I decided to go ahead and use a grid for a pencil sketch right on the canvas (just like when I used to do portraits with my middle school students).... that way I could be pretty sure of getting somewhat correct proportion.  As I have been doing the sketch I keep thinking that I would love to also do this same picture as a charcoal drawing or just in pencil, but I have it started on canvas and I am excited to start putting paint on it so that I can work toward the image that I have of it in my head.  I could go ahead and also do the same piece in pencil or charcoal when I am done, but I am sure I will be ready to move on to something different at that point. If you know me very well, I am sure you already realize that if I am painting this I will not be going for complete realism... that is just not the type of painter I am!  Please remember this is the under sketch for a painting and not meant to be a perfect representation of the photograph I am working from :)

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